Welcome to the Comebyanaway Border Collies website!

This website was gifted to us as a present in Christmas 2019 from many of our lovely puppy owners who all joined together to finance its creation and we are very grateful to them (we also think it was an excuse so they could see all their lovely dogs on here 😉 ).
We live over 1200 feet up on a sheep farm in the Northern Pennines in England. Our Border Collies do not only come from working lines, they are working lines. They help us daily on the farm, some have also competed with us in Agility and Flyball taking us to the highest level. The last few years we have been concentrating on our Animals in Film business (Animal Crew Ltd) so have had to personally take a step back from Dog Sports but our wonderful puppy owners have continued carrying the flag. We were very proud in 2019 to have bred HALF the Great Britain Dog Agility Team (who won a Bronze medal at the FCi World Championship) and 2 out of the 5 dogs on the Great Britain Heelwork to Music Team (who won a Silver medal in Freestyle at the FCi World Dog Dancing Championship). We have also bred the winning dogs at the Crufts Agility Championships for the last FOUR years, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 !! We currently have 10 Border Collies (from 3 distinct lines) and 1 West Highland Terrier who thinks he is a Collie!
Above all our Collies are our best friends and workmates. We are now on our 5th generation (with 4 generations lying around our feet as we type) and are so incredibly proud of them, all our puppy owners and all their achievements. Our dogs are dual registered – they have the affix ‘Comebyanaway’ on their Kennel Club registration and ‘Byanaway’ on their ISDS registration.
Finally, this website is lovingly dedicated to the original PIP – the Collie I had waited patiently for 24 years to get, the Collie who knew no boundaries in her ability to understand things, to work and especially to Love. Without Pip (and then 5 years later her full sister Jet who became our foundation bitch) none of this would ever have happened.