Comebyanaway Top Drawer Dogs
All the following Dogs have qualified to compete at the very top level in their Chosen Sport ie Championship Agility, Championship Obedience, Advanced HTM or Advanced Freestyle.
* Also denotes either a Ticket, Reserve Ticket, Studbook Number or Win at Major Championship or Reserve/2nd place.

LUCY babies (1 litter born 2016)
Comebyanaway Wildest Dream (Elsa) *
Comebyanaway Wildest Streak (Streak)
PIP babies (5 litters born 2013-2017)
KUSA Agility Champion Comebyanaway Endless Love (Trinity) *
Comebyanaway Pure Love (Kara)*
Comebyanaway Lovely Lass (Maisey)
Comebyanaway Nuts for Love (Hugs)
Comebyanaway Why so Crazy (Why) *
Comebyanaway a Touch Crazy (Trio)
Comebyanaway By the Way Love (By) *
Comebyanaway Kick’s N Flicks (Jive)
Morewishes Bing It On (Bing)
Morewishes It’s Pip (Pip)
Stormbeck Apple Pips (Apple)
Stormbeck Stars and Sparks (Flint)
WILL x RED babies (3 litters born 2008-2012):
Agility Champion Comebyanaway Reddy for Fame (Fame) *
Agility Champion Comebyanaway Redefined (Geek) *
Agility Champion Comebyanaway Reddy to Tri (Wiz) *
KUSA Agility Grand Champion Comebyanaway Lady in Red (Esprit) *
KUSA Agility Grand Champion Comebyanaway Reddy to Shine (Bright) *
Comebyanaway Redy to Go Fast (Fast) *
Comebyanaway Reddy ‘N Willin (Pip)
Comebyanaway Not So Sweet (Sweet)
Comebyanaway Ever Reddy (Juice)*
Comebyanaway Mist U Alreddy (Mist)*
Comebyanaway Red or Black (Dark)
Comebyanaway Reddy A Smasha (Asha)
Comebyanaway Reddy I’ve gone (Fizz)
Comebyanaway Reddy N Savvy (Savvy)
Comebyanaway Reddy to Rock (Rock)
WILL babies (8 litters born 2007-2012:
KUSA Grand Champion Comebyanaway Bonny Lass (Sassy) *
Comebyanaway Wynning Edge (Diggory)
Comebyanaway All that Jazz (Jazz)
Comebyanaway Dextrous Dude (Dex)
Comebyanaway Mitey Mite Wyn (Rufus)
Comebyanaway Tegons Quest (Tegon)
Comebyanaway to Infinity (Buzz)
Nedlo What’s the Story (Paige)*
Nedlo Strictly on the Button (Ding)
Nedlo Strictly a Rebel (Rebel) *
Nedlo Strictly Classic (Dixie) *
Nedlo Strictly Classified (Dish)
Nedlo Strictly Gold Dust (Dust)
Nedlo Strictly on the Ball
Nedlo Strictly This Iz it (Twist)
Nedlo Swift or What (Swift)
Nedlo What a Dilemma (Dila)
Nedlo What’s It All About (Alfie) *
Little Lucy at Arrowbank (Lucy)
Stormbeck Swift (Swift)
MIST/TYNE BABIES (2 litters born 2005-2007)
Comebyanaway Totally Diva* (Talia)
Comebyanaway Catch Frase (Frase)
Comebyanaway Crazy (Raz)
JET babies (2 litters born 2002-2004)
Comebyanaway Will He Weave* (Will)
Comebyanaway Rocket Man* (Rocky)
Comebyanaway Diva’s Tigress* (Elsa)
Comebyanaway Don’t U Dare Den (Den)
Comebyanaway Mist Ewe (Mist)
Comebyanaway Tyne (Tyne)