Red Instead at Comebyanaway – born 2005

Getting Red was the last thing my Mum and I spoke about before my Mum suddenly died so Red was a very special puppy to me. She became my shadow whatever I was doing. Red could work the sheep but quickly showed she preferred Agility. The first show she came out at was a Champ Show and she won both combined 3-5 Agility runs. Red continued to Grade 7 Champ. Red was a perfectionist, she needed to understand everything that was asked of her so she could perform it to the best of her abilities. Red gave everything 100%. Will was her lifelong mate, a year older and they happily shared a bed together each night. Red had 3 litters in her lifetime, all to her beloved Will.

Offspring includes
- UK Agility Champion Comebyanaway Reddy for Fame
- UK Agility Champion Comebyanaway Reddy to Tri
- UK Agility Champion Comebyanaway Redefined
- KUSA Agility Champion Lady in Red
- KUSA Agility Champion Reddy to Shine
- All Dogs Parkour Grand Champion and Belgian, Swiss & Italian Freestyle Champion Comebyanaway Redy to go Fast